Geoff Peterson

The House Where God Lived

Sliding my leg over the bar of the bike and onto the pedal, I push off for the first time in what seems like a lifetime. The transition from standing to pedaling goes smoothly, but my front wheel starts wobbling uncontrollably. I over correct and down I go. My foot instinctively hits the pavement and I steady myself. I quickly look around to see if anyone is watching, but I don't see anyone. I straighten myself out and start again. Instantly, I start to wobble and I fall down, hard. My foot doesn't catch me and I try to leap off the bike before it hits the ground, but it's no use. My lack of dexterity makes me tumble over the turned handle bars and onto the freshly mowed lawn. Looking up at my porch, I realize I haven't even made it past my house. The thought hits me, 'you never forget how to ride a bike.' Bullshit.